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Our History
In March 1935 a new private school was opened in Westville. It consisted of 6 pupils and 1 teacher. A sum of 12/6d per month covered the cost of books and writing materials and provided each learner with a penny sucker on Fridays. From this humble beginning grew the four schools bearing the name Westville.
The school became a provincial responsibility in 1945 but was regarded as a country school. This was justified by the arrival of children in the morning on horses and donkeys and, very occasionally, on the front of a delivery bike.
In 1957 the school’s enrolment was 790. Our present primary school received its first 258 children and the old school (now Westville Boys’ High) remained to cater for learners in the senior phase.
In 1960 the Westville Infants School was opened and our present school became known as Westville Junior School. The school has grown its quality education and facilities for the benefit of our children in all spheres of their educational life. In the 1970’s our school became known as Westville Senior Primary.

Get in Touch
(031) 266 5218
[email protected]
Open Hours
7:30am – 3:30pm
Our Home
42 Westville Rd, Westville, 3629